
AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Finalised storyboard

Shot 1 - 4: Ext. Establishing shots of Barking Abbey Leisure centre (The camera pans around)

Shot 5: Long shot from behind Ricardo walking to the door

Shot 6: Close up of Ricardo's hand on the door

Shot 7: Medium shot of Ricardo walking through the door

Shot 8: Cutaway to dance studio where Alison is stretching MS

Shot 9: Shot of Ricardo approaching the stairs

Shot 10: Cutaway to Alison picking up Stereo (getting ready to leave the dance studio)

Shot 11: Cutaway to Ricardo CU of his feet on stairs

Shot 12: Cutaway to Alison picking up Cd

Shot 13: Cutaway to CU of Ricardo's feet

Shot 14: Medium POV shot or REFLECTION SHOT of Alison looking in the mirror fixing her hair before she leaves

Shot 15: Long shot of Ricardo reaching the top of the stairs

Shot 16: Medium shot of Alison going towards the door to open it

Shot 17: Close up of Alison's hand on the door gradually opening the door

Shot 18: POV shot the camera pans from Ricardos feet to eventually reveal his face

Shot 19: Close up of Alisons face (blushing/ looking lovestruck)

Dissolves into film titles

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