
AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 18 November 2009

The Opening Sequence redraft

After hearing the feedback that we heard in class ( Located in the comment box underneath the previous opening sequence ) we adapted our opening sequence to improve it.

The opening sequence starts off with and ext. shots of Barking Abbey School (Leisure Centre) it then dissolves to a panning of inside the leisure centre (with extras) , which then pans across the basketball court,where we have a longshot of Ricardo dribbling a basketball .The camera continues to pan through the leisure centre (with extras) into the dance studio where we have a longshot of Alison gathering her dance things together after a session alone, she will pick up a CD and on that CD we will have a credit eg.editor. There is no dialogue just a sound track playing. We cutaway to Ricardo putting his duffle bag over his shoulder this will be a meduim long shot and on his duffle bag a credit will appear e.g directors name. The camera will follow Ricardo and as he opens the sports hall door we have a cutaway shot of Alison opening the door to the dance studio and walking out into the hall way going over her dance steps. We then cut back to Ricardo as he is walking up the stairs then through the hallway we have and over the shoulder shot of him seeing Alison. The over the shoulder shot will capture Alison turining around to see Ricardo behind her. We then cutaway to a close up of Alisons face looking embarrased. We will then have the camera inside the locker so as Alison opens her locker door we see her face, as she puts her things inside her locker it will eventually block the view of the camera. We then cutaway back to the over the shoulder shot of Ricardo and as he opens his locker, the camera will cutaway to a view from inside his locker where we will see Alison walking past with a lovestuck expression on her face. As he puts his belonging in his locker it will eventually block the view of the camera again and as he slams his locker door shut the title of the film will appear.

Location reece - The location will not be changed it will still be based in Barking Abbey Leisure centre.

Soundtrack - The soundtrack still needs to be decided by we have discussed that it will be soft gentle and mellow theme to it.

Font for opening titles - Italic and possibly pink or baby blue.

1 comment:

  1. It is an improvment from the former draft it shows both charecter worlds and it keeps you from loosing your focus. The charecters represented are expected in this type of setting to improve we should have more shots of students in general.

    To develop research opening credits to see what is put in them eg. actors names.

